
Organic goat milk kefir 330ml

Code: 3794

4,30 лв.

Price per kg: 0 lv.

  • Certified BIO product
  • From free-range animals
  • Long tradition in the production of organic dairy products
  • Balanced taste
  • Dense texture

Introducing the organic and organic dairy brand Menikyo.

The company’s feed stores, livestock and production facilities are located in the Prosotsani Valley, in the shadow of the stunningly beautiful Menikio Mountains.

The place was chosen on purpose. The area has extremely fertile and mineral-rich soil, which is also the perfect prerequisite for livestock farming on free fertile pastures. Also, the constant breeze of fresh air that comes from the mountain slopes creates a natural ventilation system. It is for this reason that the air is always fresh around the farm, even though several thousand sheep and goats are kept there.

The biggest advantage of Menicchio’s livestock unit and processing facility is that they are surrounded by 25 acres of their own organically grown grass field where their sheep and goats are free to roam and graze.

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